
Get Started with GlobiMail

Set up your Account

Click the Free Trial button to get started and authorize the connection to your Podio Account.

Be sure to agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
The trial account is valid for 30 days and will process up to 1000 emailsΒ on 2 Apps with access to ALL Premium Features!

Once authorized, we collect the current Podio User and App Template Settings. This becomes the account owner and manager of the App settings. To add more App Admins to manage settings, add their Podio User’s email address as an Additional User on the Account Overview.

User data and App Templates are only collected when authorized. Use the β›²Refresh from Podio every time changes are made to these settings in Podio to update them in GlobiMail.

Download the πŸ”ŒBrowser Plugin

  • This plug-in adds an Email button at the top of the Activity on any Podio Item.
    Initiate a conversation from ANY item, automatically connecting the App in GlobiMail

    Currently available for Chrome.

Connect an App

During sign-up, you are asked to connect to an App. Your main Customer App is a good place to start however not ideal if you have many different subjects back and forth with the customer.

See πŸ—οΈConnected Apps on how to connect additional apps.

Go back to the main page to see some examples of other types of setups you can create.

  • Easy App Connection
    When using the Browser Plug-In, click Email on any App Item. If the App is not already connected to GlobiMail, it will be added with the manual contact mapping.

You can begin sending emails from a Podio Item by clicking the Email button as above.
Adjust the settings below to customize your options and do more with GlobiMail.

Modify App Settings

Hover over the App on the Apps page to bring up the options and click the wrench.
See the App Settings under
🎯Configuration Settings

Map your Sending Domain

Map your domains so that your emails come FROM your real address and not a mapped address.
If you are not using
πŸ—ΊοΈEmail Address Mapping this feature will still track emails.
View the
πŸš€Sending Domains page for a walk-through on set-up.

Update Team List

The πŸ—³οΈTeam List is automatically updated with addresses that send from your account. This list is used to ensure your team members are not confused as customers and to determine the direction of the email which is used in πŸš—Automation Triggers.

Create Archive

Full email details are only available in the logs for up to 24 hours.
Set up an
πŸ“¨Email Archive to see emails after this time.

Start sending Email

Send Email from any Podio Item using your actual email address - view πŸ“Send & Receive Email in Podio

Subscribe to a Plan

Once your 30-day trial is over, you will be prompted to pay for a subscription. To continue using the premium features like Sending Domains and Automations, you must subscribe to an account that has Premium features. View our plans page for subscription options.

Podio Email Integration Plans & Pricing
The best way to find out just how much time and effort GlobiMail will save you, is to take it for a test drive. Sign up for a free trial and experience GlobiMail for Podio Email Integration for yourself today. No credit card required. No Risk. No Committment.