Connected Apps
Use the Apps tab to manage the Connected Podio Apps
Connect a Podio App
- Click Add Podio App button to start the connection.
- Select the drop-down for a list of Podio Apps that are available to connect to GlobiMail.
- Next, select the App Field that stores the Contacts' Email Address.
- Not applicable will Manually add recipients to each email.
- Send to the Workspace Contacts stored in the field in this App.
- Send to emails stored in a Single-line Text field or Email field in this App.
- Send to emails stored in a Single-line Text field or Email field in a Referenced App.
- Select a Podio Field that will be the default for the Email Subject. Leave blank to do manually.
- Click SAVE to connect the App and start the process.
- Once the process completes, the App is connected.
This process creates the direct email address for each App item used by GlobiMail. This email is a combination of the GlobiMail App Address and the Podio Item ID.
- If these addresses are not populating, see 🏜️Reload Podio Items.
Manage Podio Apps
Hover over the Connected App to bring up the options.
- Configure Settings
Control the Apps behavior and change the default settings. See the 🎯Configuration Settings page for more information on the App Settings.
- Moderate Comments
Podio Users cannot modify comments made by GlobiMail to a Podio Item. To edit and remove comment emails from the App, see ✏️Moderate Comments.
- Reload All Podio Items (Force Sync)
Re-sync the Podio Items in the App to the configured settings. Go to 🏜️Reload Podio Items.
- Remove App
Remove the Connected App from GlobiMail. Removal also removes the Message Links created in the Podio App.